Contemporary Management of Breast Cancer – Webinar on Monday June 29, 2020 @ 2pm


EGSSO members,

On Monday June 29 at 2pm Egyptian time we have the pleasure of hosting a webinar with our education partner Cancer Expert Now (CEN) on “Contemporary Management of Breast Cancer” featuring Dr. Charles Balch and Dr. William Gradishar for a lecture on Selecting Surgical Options after Neoadjuvant Therapy and a Tumor Board review of 2 clinical cases.  Attached is a flyer and below is the Zoom conference line information. EGSSO has partnered with CEN to provide our members free access to a secure platform for text-based interactions in a physician peer-to-peer format with a global network of over 300 key opinion leaders representing all cancer specialties.

EGSSO members have free and unlimited access to this text messaging platform where you can submit questions about patient cases and engage in a group discussion with responses from up to three global experts usually within 24 hours. This service also features automatic translation so that you can submit your questions in Arabic, and you also have the option to customize your profile for translated responses from the CEN expert panel.

For Details Click here to download Webinar Flyer PDF

Instructions for how to use this system are available in this link  along with examples of questions submitted. I encourage all EGSSO members to register with our CEN education partner for immediate access to the text messaging platform:

In addition, You can open Webinar Page from live Event Page in EGSSO Portal Click Here  

EGSSO/CEN Zoom Meeting for June 29 @ 2 pm EET:

Meeting ID: 862 1330 4266

Password: 2121

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Meeting ID: 862 1330 4266

Password: 2121

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Looking forwards for your active participation and engagement.

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